Tuesday, September 16, 2008

iPhoneApp Winners

I've gotten questions from several newer iPhone 3G owners along the lines of "I'm too lazy to browse the App Store, just tell me which apps to look at." Well, actually none of them admitted being lazy :-)

Rather than continue to answer these one at a time I think a blog entry is in order. So without further delay here is the list. Click the app name for more details:
  • Klick - best Flickr companion
  • PCalc - best utility belt for anything involving numbers
  • Jott - best to-do and list application
  • WeatherBug - multi-locations, radar, alerts and more
  • Bloomberg - world wide market indexes and news
  • Facebook - missing some key features but still convenient
  • Where - finds events, friends, cheap gass, etc nearby based on GPS
  • 2 Across - crossword puzzle app, a free lite version also available
  • Wikipanion - guess what, this is a Wikipedia front end. Surprised, aren't you ?
  • Now Playing - find movie times, theaters etc near you
All are "Ron Approved" and receive near daily use. Oh, did I forget to mention all but one of these is free? :-)

I got a bunch of others I use less frequently. I'll get around to posting on those soon.

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