Monday, September 8, 2008

Hurricanes - New & Improved

Well, actually it is a new and improved hurricane tracker site courtesy of Stormpulse. Though I live out of hurricane territory my past experiences with the beasts as well as my ties and friendships with those still living in target zones keeps my keen interest in tact. The National Hurricane Center gives some great data in a rather a bare bones presentation format. Stormpulse gives a lot of data in a very sexy package. You know which one I'm gonna prefer...

And yes, Ike seems to have the hots for Houston... However urricanes are notoriously fickle in their romantic attachments.


harald said...

Wow, I really like that interface; even better than the tools I've been using over at

Today's storm track suggests that you're going to have a wet weekend...

Ron said...

Yes, it has been rainy and overcast for a few days now without a visitor. Ike is bound to sweep in some rain unless he decides to head to California :-)